The parent/guardian of the child or the adult rider hereby agrees and undertakes as follows:
I understand that there are certain risks in riding/allowing the child to ride horses.
I hereby indemnify Falling Creek Ranch, its directors and or employees/volunteers and hold them harmless against any liability arising from any cause whatsoever as a result of loss or personal injury which the child/adult may sustain whilst on their premises or elsewhere during the course of a riding lesson or trek.
I further indemnify Falling Creek Ranch against all actions, proceedings, liability, claims, damages, costs and expenses in relation to or arising out of the adult/child being on their premises or elsewhere as per 2 above, before, during or after the course of his or her lesson or trek.
It is my intention that this indemnity shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue for an indefinite period, and shall cover each and every instance when the adult/child has lessons or a trek, or is on the property or under the control of Falling Creek Ranch, its directors, employees or volunteers. Horses provided by the property are ridden at the rider's risk.
Lessons given here by ourselves, whether it may be round pen, or trekking, on or off farm, are at the risk of the rider.
All outside rides away from the property, including road, orchard and farm rides, are at the risk of the rider.
Any accident to a horse or rider brought on to the property is at the risk of the owner.
All persons of any age who are on the property are at their own risk. We take no responsibility for any horse, adult or child related accidents.
We do not accept any responsibility for any veterinarian expenses incurred whilst horses are on our property, unless horses are owned by the property.
We will take all care but no responsibility for any horse under our care, whether grazing or worked by ourselves.
Horses with floating and truck related problems are brought to the property at the risk of the owner. We take no responsibility for any accident to a horse or owner or any damage to horse-float, trucks or vehicles.
All horse gear owned by the rider is used at the risk of the owner.
Riders of all ages are requested to wear safety helmets at all times. No responsibility will be taken for any injury caused to a rider choosing not to do so.
Falling Creek Ranch as a private property does not allow personal photography/videography taken to be used in a damaging manner ie. on social media, we reserve the right to have them removed and seek damages if applicable.
I give permission for any photos taken of me/us by Falling Creek Ranch to be used by Falling Creek for promotional/social media purposes.
Payment Terms of Falling Creek Ranch
Term payment must be paid in full at the start of term. Just like, for instance, ballet lessons, there are no refunds if a class is missed. If a class cannot be attended and you let me know the week before, I can try and slot the rider into another class to make up for it.
If the rider sustains an injury that prevents them being physically able to ride, then I would credit the lesson to another time. Cancellations of lessons because of injury that prevents riding must be received by Falling Creek Ranch by the morning of the lesson to qualify for a credit.