Our holiday camps are so much fun, for the campers and those who are a part of running camp as well.  There are so many ways you can help us at our kids and teen camps.  We need leaders to help that can ride and tack up horses and enjoy working with youth.  Our camps are becoming very popular to the point of having to turn kids away.  For us to grow the numbers of campers we need more help.    We need a cook to prepare and serve food, to free up Mel to run activities.  We also have people who would like to send their children but can’t afford it, so sponsoring or part sponsorship is a way you can help.  If you have a unique talent that you would be willing to share with us, such as taking horse and buggy rides, doing leather work, a craft activity you could do with the campers, teaching archery or shooting or soap making or basket weaving!  We are open to suggestions!!  We are always on the lookout for fun and interesting things to do at camp so would love it people got involved in this way.  Also if you are a praying person, we would really value you prayers for us during camp, for safety etc.

If you are interested  in helping please email Mel at fallingcreekranch@gmail.com